There has been so much happening in these last final weeks that it has been difficult to keep up with the blogging. All of the new materials in the recreation center have been inventoried and put in their places. There are lights and electricity, books, games, DVDs, karaoke, and coloring books. There are chess boards and dominoes, cards, clay, and puzzles.
The director and I spent most of last week incorporating the recreation center into the curriculum schedules. Each class has a designated time when they can go into the recreation room (under the supervision of the teacher) to read and play.
Everyone is really excited about this new space and I am so glad that everything turned out successfully!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
"Nica" Time
The concept of time is one difference between the United States and Nicaraguan cultures that has made the adjustment to life here just that much more interesting. If I have learned anything so far, it is patience. Here is a helpful guide to “la hora Nica” for anyone planning on working here in the future:
Nica Word Meaning in Nicaragua Actual Meaning
Entre poco Soon A week, a month…
Un rato A while Sometime that same day
Un ratito A little while Within the next 8 hours
Ahora Now Within the next 3 hours
Ahorita Right now 30 minutes or so
Ya Right right now 10 minutes
Another aspect of Nica-time is that it makes it very difficult to estimate the time needed to do certain things. To me, setting up a meeting with my supervisor is something that should be relatively easy. Scenario in my head: I go to her office, ask her what time is best for her, and then show up to her office at that time to chat. What really happens: I go to her office, the door is locked. I go to the library next door to ask where the director is, the librarian doesn’t know. I walk to the next class building and find the assistant director; she doesn’t know where the director is either. I finally ask for directions to the director’s house, go there, and set up a meeting.
Other things, however, that I estimate will take days, happen before I can realize what is going on. The fact that the recreation room had zero electricity was a detail that I had been worried about since the beginning. I thought that it would be an expensive project—but obviously necessary. I used long extension cords from the other class buildings for the first half of the internship, but then realized last week that something needed to be changed. I asked the director how to go about getting an outlet installed in the room, and she directed me toward Ernesto, the school’s Mr. Fix-it. I explained to Ernesto that the recreation room needed electricity and he made a phone call to one of his buddies. Within 10 minutes, two of Ernesto’s friends arrived with all of the supplies. The removed the ceiling tiles and did some re-wiring and presto! Lights! What I thought would take three days and about 100 dollars took only 3 hours start to finish and 11 dollars! In Nicaragua, I am amazed every day...
Thursday, June 30, 2011
I ate lunch on the mouth of a volcano on Saturday!
Last weekend we went on the FSD mid-term retreat to La Isla de Ometepe, an island made up of two volcanoes in the middle of Lago de Nicaragua. We woke up at 5am Saturday morning to start the 8 hour adventure. All four interns (Matthias, Christine, Katie, and I), our FSD supervisor, Whitney, Whitney's two friends from California, Michelle and Mary, two hospital workers from FMRC, Sanghe and Jessica, and four Nicaraguan guides crunched into a small van (ten of us inside the van and three sitting outside on top of the roof)! The van took us as close to the volcano as it could--the roads were atrocious. We all got out of the van and started to climb.
The hike up took about 4 and a half hours at a grueling pace. The first phase of the hike was jungle, with a bunch of awesome looking insects and a lot of monkeys. The second phase was steep rocks. The weight in my backpack made it almost impossible for me to pull myself up the vertical slope. The third phase of the hike was through a bunch of knee high shrubs. The slippery mud path that we were following was extremely narrow. The shrubs on either side of the path were so overgrown that we couldn't see where we were stepping. It was especially nerve-racking during as the slope became steeper and steeper. The last phase of the trip was by far the most difficult. The climb was so steep that I could just reach out my hand and touch the ground in front of me, which was hot, hot gravel. There was a really strong smell of sulfur that got stronger as we got closer to the mouth. The amazing view that I had been waiting for was made foggy by all of the smoke and clouds at the peak. We took our last break about 4 meters from the peak--it was so difficult to see that we had no idea that we were so close. I was so terrified to be so close to the mouth of the volcano. There was ash all over the ground so we had to sit on our backpacks to keep from burning ourselves. Nice place to eat lunch.
After about a half hour at the top of the volcano, we started the decent. I spent the entire 3 1/2 hours on my but, grabbing on to rocks and plants with my hands to slow myself down. Two hours in and I couldn't feel my legs anymore--felt like Jello. We all wiped out a lot on the way down, but nobody got seriously injured, thankfully. Our guides called me "piernas borrachas," or drunk legs--a joke that lasted the rest of our trip.
What an adventure!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Libros para Niños
Traveling anywhere in this country is an adventure—whether a 20 minute taxi ride or a 4 hour bus ride there are bound to be bumps along the way. Busses are problematic because they don’t have actual “stops,” people usually just wave the bus down wherever they may be. Once you get on the bus, you are really lucky if you get a seat. Most people stand and there are usually a few, more able-bodied boys, hanging off the back of the bus.
Yesterday Zeneida, the librarian from Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, and I traveled to Jinotepe, and the trip was no exception. We were headed there along with another librarian from Las Salinas and Steve, my future boss from FSD, for a meeting with Libros para Niños, a foundation that supports different libraries and schools in order to increase the level of reading among children. Although the trip to Jinotepe is only supposed to be about an hour, it took Zeneida and I a bus ride, a “microbus,” a taxi, and 2 ½ hours to arrive at our destination.
Together with the director from Libros para Niños, Zeneida and I were able to organize a workshop for the teachers, parents, and students in Tola that is scheduled to take place in early July. We are both really excited about the outcome of the meeting and we are excitedly awaiting the capacitación.
Yesterday Zeneida, the librarian from Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, and I traveled to Jinotepe, and the trip was no exception. We were headed there along with another librarian from Las Salinas and Steve, my future boss from FSD, for a meeting with Libros para Niños, a foundation that supports different libraries and schools in order to increase the level of reading among children. Although the trip to Jinotepe is only supposed to be about an hour, it took Zeneida and I a bus ride, a “microbus,” a taxi, and 2 ½ hours to arrive at our destination.
Together with the director from Libros para Niños, Zeneida and I were able to organize a workshop for the teachers, parents, and students in Tola that is scheduled to take place in early July. We are both really excited about the outcome of the meeting and we are excitedly awaiting the capacitación.
Capacitación para el Huerto Escolar
So much has happened in the past week! Last Thursday, Christine, a fellow FSD volunteer held a workshop in the High School in Tola in order to educate the students and teachers how to create a nursery garden for the school. Since she knew that the creation of a school garden is one of the goals of my project, Christine invited three teachers from Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and me to attend the workshop. A man from the National Forestry Association came from Managua to give the presentation and to guide the teachers and students through the planting process. The presentation explained how to mix the right proportions of sand and dirt in order to allow for proper germination and maximum growth. Everyone loved the workshop and was happy to learn the new planting techniques.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Week 3
It is only Tuesday and it has already been a rough week. I got robbed on the bus ride back from Masaya on Sunday--at least it was only my phone. Then, on Monday, I went into the recreation room and someone had broken into it. The desk was gone and the box of paint was left on the floor. All of the markers were left without the tops and were all dried out. Permanent red marker was scribbled on the floor and over all of the paintings that the students worked so hard to complete last week. I spent the morning trying to paint over the marker. A few more coats and I think everything will be okay. Eduardo, the school's maitenance worker helped me fix the lock so that this won't happen again.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Support the Cause! The link to donate is at the bottom of the post!
The Municipality of Tola has an estimated population of 23,008 and is located on Nicaragua’s western coast. 20% of the population is illiterate and only 13.1% of students finish high school. Regular school attendance for primary and secondary school is just over 46%. With 70% of the population under the age of 30, the majority of the community is comprised by children and young parents.
The Centro Escolar Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe is a primary school for children ages 3-12 in Tola. There are over 500 students and 21 teachers who are split between separate morning and afternoon sessions. Since there are two class sessions, students are in the classroom for a maximum of four hours each day. After classes, there are few places where the younger students can do their homework and spend their free time. There is a park in the center of town, but it is mostly for the older high school students.
After a meeting with the director of the school, we decided that the creation of a recreation center would be the best way to offer additional support and resources to the students, parents, and teachers. We held a meeting with all of the school teachers decided that a recreation center would be the most sustainable and effective way to increase the sense of community between the students, teachers, and parents. The recreation center will also function as an important resource for the teachers, who will have access to all of the materials within the recreation center. The center will provide students with a fun and interactive place where they can do homework and play with purpose outside their homes.
The recreation center will be built through collaboration between students, parents, teachers, the school’s administration, and support from FSD. The school is providing the physical space for the center and the land for the garden.
Donations to support this project will be used to cover the expenses of the materials needed to build the recreation center. All future maintenance will be funded through the selling of the produce from the “huerto escolar,” a school garden that will be included in the recreation center work plans.
The Centro Escolar Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe is a primary school for children ages 3-12 in Tola. There are over 500 students and 21 teachers who are split between separate morning and afternoon sessions. Since there are two class sessions, students are in the classroom for a maximum of four hours each day. After classes, there are few places where the younger students can do their homework and spend their free time. There is a park in the center of town, but it is mostly for the older high school students.
After a meeting with the director of the school, we decided that the creation of a recreation center would be the best way to offer additional support and resources to the students, parents, and teachers. We held a meeting with all of the school teachers decided that a recreation center would be the most sustainable and effective way to increase the sense of community between the students, teachers, and parents. The recreation center will also function as an important resource for the teachers, who will have access to all of the materials within the recreation center. The center will provide students with a fun and interactive place where they can do homework and play with purpose outside their homes.
The recreation center will be built through collaboration between students, parents, teachers, the school’s administration, and support from FSD. The school is providing the physical space for the center and the land for the garden.
Donations to support this project will be used to cover the expenses of the materials needed to build the recreation center. All future maintenance will be funded through the selling of the produce from the “huerto escolar,” a school garden that will be included in the recreation center work plans.
If you are interested in supporting the recreation center, copy and paste this link into a new window! Any and all donations will help! Thank you!!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
And the chaos begins!
We began painting today! The original idea that I had was to schedule a time with the 6th grade teachers so that their students could help paint murals in the recreation center during their ¨cultural expression¨ class period. The class period for cultural expression wasn´t until 2:45pm, so I figured I had plenty of time in the morning to set up all the paints and put plastic on the floor and furniture. As it turns out, all of the students were so excited about the painting that beat me to the door! When I arrived this morning, there were already a handful of students waiting to help me set up.
We washed the walls mixed the paint to make all different colors. They had all of their drawings ready to transfer onto the walls, and so they began. By the end of the day, we had finished a map of Central America, a jungle scene, a nutrition pyramid, and had a good start on a painting of the solar system and the growth process of a plant.
Marching Band Limpiadores
The entire 5th grade helped me clear the room today in order to prep for painting! The room was filled with broken desks, chairs, and benches, not to mention a 3mm layer of dust and about thirty drums. The kids paraded with the musical instruments out of the room and across the center yard to the storage area. After clearing everything from inside of the room, we spent an hour getting all of the dirt and bugs--there was a huge pile of maggots in the back corner of the room!
The room is ready to go!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Off to a great start!
I finally finished my eleven page work plan! It took me about six different meetings, 8 days in the cyber café and after two re-writes, it is done. My first week of work was mostly observing and chatting with the librarian and director of the school about the school´s resources and needs. Most of my time was just spent talking to the teachers during their breaks and talking to the students during recess, trying my best to figure out a project that would be the most beneficial.
The director, Maria, helped me set up a meeting with all 19 teachers so that we could brainstorm all together. It was really important to me that the teachers had a chance to give their input on what the project should be. After the meeting, the decision to make a recreation center was unanimous. The main goals of the center are the ¨elaboracion de materiales¨ and the making of a ¨huerto escolar¨.
The two main outcomes that we are looking for with this new recreation center are (1) the increased sense of community within the school and among teachers, students, and parents, and (2) the expansion of teaching materials and independent learning opportunities.
The director and I took an afternoon to take an inventory throughout the school in order to find what resources they had that could be utilized in the recreation center. By the end of the day, we were able to point out a room, TV, posters, tables, benches, desks, and some art supplies. I was so glad that they had an extra room available, and even more grateful that the director handed the keys to the room over to me!
Work Plan:
Work Plan:
Plantilla del Plan de Trabajo para pasantes de FSD
A. Resumen de actividades - Por favor, provea un resumen de los diferentes proyectos y actividades en los cuales estará involucrado el pasante.
Después de una reunión con todas las maestras, decidimos a crear un cuarto de recreación para que los niños sientan más unificados. Hay un cuarto que nadie usa que vamos a transformar. Todos los niños pueden usar el centro de recreación para hacer tareas y pasar tiempo cuando no están en las clases. Los maestros también pueden usar para dar clases y usar los nuevos materiales que vamos a tener. Este espacio libre estaría bueno para el desarrollo social y para que los niños tienen lugar para jugar con utilidad y propósito. La escuela ya tiene muchos recursos que podemos usar para el cuarto de recreación (mesas, barcos, televisiones, avisos, tambores, etc.). También, vamos a incluir un huerto escolar para que los niños puedan aprender en una forma activa sobre el ambiente y el proceso de crecimiento de las plantas.
La primera cosa que vamos a hacer es limpiar el cuarto y quitar a todos las cosas adentro que no necesitamos. Los niños del 5º y 6º grado van a designar y dibujar cuatro murales educativos para pintar en las paredes. Los niños del 2º, 3º y 4º van a ayudar pintar las paredes y los muebles con colores vibrantes para que miren divertidos. Los niños del 1º y los de preescolar pueden hacer decoraciones y arte para poner en la puerta y colgar del techo. Después, vamos a poner juegos y actividades educativas para todas las edades en el cuarto. Después, vamos a crear un horario para que los estudiantes para ir al cuarto de recreación durante su tiempo libre. También, los maestros puedan prestar materiales del cuarto para utilizar en sus clases. Además, los maestros pueden reservar el cuarto para enseñar sus clases allí.
Una actividad que vamos a hacer es invitar a una maestra de Libros para Niños para que ella se pueda enseñar a los maestros como leer con animación. Estaría bueno si podemos cambiar el sentimiento de los niños sobre la tarea y leer a hacerlo mas divertido.
Otra cosa que vamos a hacer es crear un huerto escolar. Hay tierra que esta a lado del cuarto que podemos utilizar y cultivar. Cada grado vas a tener su propia sección con ciertas frutas y verduras. Cada grado estará responsable para su sección respectiva. Voy a nombrar dos personas cada grado a ser los líderes para el huerto. Después, vamos a hacer un horario para que los niños siempre cuiden su sección del huerto.
Para la cuida del cuarto, podemos nombrar una maestra para tener la responsabilidad de cuidar los niños que están. También, podemos pedir al Instituto si hay algunos estudiantes que pueden hacerse de voluntario para cuidar los niños.
La meta del cuarto de recreación es a crear un espacio libre para que los niños sienten más unificados. Queremos que los estudiantes estén entusiasmados por aprender. El cuarto de recreación es un lugar donde los niños pueden ir antes o después de clases a hacer tarea y pasar tiempo con propósito. El cuarto será un recurso para los maestros y un buen lugar que apoyar el desarrollo de los niños y la comunidad. Si podemos crear un lugar donde los niños sienten cómodos y felices, la escuela se convierta en un lugar mas divertido.
B. Plan de Trabajo Detallado
Meta 1 | Crear un mayor sentido de comunidad entre los estudiantes, maestros, y padres de familia. |
Objetivo 1 | Establecer contactos y desarrollar relaciones dentro de la escuela y la comunidad. Saber las prioridades de los estudiantes, maestros y los padres de familia. | | |||||
Resultados esperados | Actividades | Fecha de ejecución | Recurso(s) | Persona(s) Responsable(s) | Indicadores | Metodos de evaluación | |
Pedir que cosas se puedan mejorar y preguntar sobre sus prioridades. Saber cuales son los problemas que se puede solucionar. | Tener un reunión con todos los maestros | 31 Mayo | La Directora, María Los Maestros Una aula | Yo | Establecer contactos con todos los maestros del Centro Escolar Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. | Me introdujo y he hablado con ellos | |
Preguntar sobre la relación entre maestros, estudiantes, y padres. Saber las razones por que los estudiantes están ausentes de la escuela | Hacer 15 encuestas de los padres de familia | 1-13 Junio | Los Maestros Los Padres | Yo | Tener las opiniones de 15 padres. | Tener las respuestas de 15 padres. | |
Pedir cuales son las cosas que podemos mejorar. Pedir que cosas quieran cambiar. | Tener un reunión con 10 estudiantes de cada grado | 1-13 Junio | Los Estudiantes Los Maestros | Yo | Tener más información sobre los deseos de los estudiantes. | Tener las respuestas de 70 estudiantes. | |
Evaluar los recursos que podemos usar. | Tener un reunión con la directora de la escuela | 31 Mayo | La Directora, María Bibliotecaria | Yo | Saber que recursos podemos utilizar. | Notar los recursos. | |
Objetivo 2 | Informar la comunidad sobre el proyecto y alentarlos a utilizar el espacio. | | |||||
Resultados esperados | Actividades | Fecha de ejecución | Recurso(s) | Persona(s) Responsable(s) | Indicadores | Métodos de evaluación | |
A mostrar la comunidad el centro de recreación. Alentar a los estudiantes a utilizar este espacio para su desarrollo. | Gran Apertura con todos los maestros, estudiantes, y padres | 18 Julio | Los Estudiantes Los Padres Los Maestros La Directora El centro de recreación | Yo | Una festival | Fomentar el apoyo de la comunidad | |
Meta 2 | Apoyar el desarrollo social, física, y mental mediante la creación de espacio libre donde los estudiantes pueden jugar y aprender y la elaboración de materiales y recursos para los maestros a enseñar. |
Objetivo 1 | Juntan los estudiantes y los maestros a crear un centro de recreación. Es importante que los estudiantes ser responsables para este espacio y que tienen un sentido de pertenencia. | | |||||
Resultados esperados | Actividades | Fecha de ejecución | Recurso(s) | Persona(s) Responsable(s) | Indicadores | Metodos de evaluación | |
Tener 4 murales diferentes y educativas en todas las paredes. Para que los estudiantes ayudan a transformar el cuarto. | Crear 4 equipos de 6 personas cada equipo para dibujar murales. | 13-31 Junio | Pintura Brocha | Yo Los Estudiantes de 4º, 5º y 6º Los Maestros | Paredes pintadas con las firmas de los estudiantes | Producto final | |
Para que los estudiantes sientes un sentido de pertenencia. Tener buen aspecto muebles. | Crear 3 equipos para pintar los muebles | 13-24 Junio | Pintura Brocha Muebles | Yo Los Estudiantes de 1º, 2º y 3º Los Maestros | Muebles pintados con las firmas de los estudiantes | Producto final | |
Para que los preescolares pueden apoyar el proyecto. Para hacer que el cuarto se vea mas atractivo a los estudiantes. | Crear un equipo de preescolares para hacer decoraciones | 13-24 Junio | Materiales de arte | Yo Los Estudiantes Preescolares Los Maestros | Decoraciones con las firmas de los estudiantes | Producto final | |
Objetivo 2 | Elaboración de materiales para los maestros y los estudiantes para aumentar la capacidad de aprendizaje. | | |||||
Resultados esperados | Actividades | Fecha de ejecución | Recurso(s) | Persona(s) Responsable(s) | Indicadores | Métodos de evaluación | |
Elaboración de materiales. Los maestros pueden prestar cualquier recurso que está en el centro de recreación. También, pueden dar clases en este cuarto | Conseguir juegos educativos y otros materiales para utilizar en el centro de recreación (televisión, DVD, karaoke, etc.) | 27 Junio-15 Julio | Fondos Televisión Materiales que ya tienen los maestros Materiales nuevos | Yo Los maestros | Tener materiales lista para utilizar | Sentimientos de los maestros y estudiantes | |
Apoyar los estudiantes a aprender sobre el proceso de crecimiento de las plantas. Para que los estudiantes desarrollan su sentimiento de responsabilidad. | Hacer un jardín | 27 Junio-15 Julio | Tierra Semillas Los estudiantes Herramientas de jardinería | Yo Los estudiantes | Jardín Hecho | Producto final | |
Para hacer una nueva apreciación para libros entre los niños. Para que los maestros pueden aprender como leer con animación. | Hacer una presentación con Libros Para Niños | 11-15 Julio | Libros Para Niños La Directora Los Maestros Los Estudiantes | Yo | Una presentación hecho | La interés de los maestros y los estudiantes | |
Objetivo 3 | Establecer los horarios y condiciones de uso para el centro de recreación. | | |||||
Resultados esperados | Actividades | Fecha de ejecución | Recurso(s) | Persona(s) Responsable(s) | Indicadores | Métodos de evaluación | |
Para que el centro de recreación se puedan utilizar plenamente | Hacer un horario para los maestros y los estudiantes | 15 Julio | Los maestros Los estudiantes | Yo | El conocimiento del horario entre los maestros y estudiantes | Horario hecho | |
Objetivo 4 | Hacer que el centro de recreación sea sostenible. | | |||||
Resultados esperados | Actividades | Fecha de ejecución | Recurso(s) | Persona(s) Responsable(s) | Indicadores | Métodos de evaluación | |
Comprensión de la sostenibilidad entre los maestros y estudiantes. | Nombrar un equipo de cuido para el cuarto de recreación y el jardín | 15 de Julio | Los estudiantes Los maestros | Yo | Dos equipos hechos. | Demonstración de entendimiento entre los maestros y estudiantes | |
Establecer la sostenibilidad del proyecto | Hacer un reunión con la directora para explicar el división de los responsabilidades | 15 Julio | La Directora | Yo | Entendimiento de todos sostenibilidad | Confirmación de la Directora | |
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